September is กันยายน GUN (rhymes with “gun”) – YAA – YON
This means “the maiden (Virgo)” and comes from the Sanskrit word aṅganā, meaning woman or female animal.
I’m afraid the way to remember this month is a bit contrived, but it’s the best I could come up with after months of thinking about it. And it kind of works for me:
It’s autumn/fall, the start of a new season, in fact it’s hunting season! So you can get out your gun – yaah! – and start shootin’…
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เปิดที่ทำการไปรษณีย์ จังหวัดบึงกาฬ 1 กันยายน 2554 Opening of Buengkan Post office 9 Sep 2010 ที่ทำการ – office (place of doing work or operations) Buengkan is a brand new province, in the most far-flung corner of Isaan, established in 2010. It’s claim to fame is an isolated sandstone temple (Wat Phu Tok) and a marshy lake where aquatic birds breed. BTW, please let me know if you’d like my handout on how to decipher the Thai numbers… |